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A variety of competitive sports teams are available through Falmouth Community Programs and town groups. Registration and any questions are handled by the sponsoring organization. See links to organizations below. Information about upcoming registrations for youth sports is often available through the Community Bulletin Board

Youth Sports

Falmouth Community Programs offers both competitive and non-competitive activities such as Striders (i.e., cross country running for grades 1 - 5), soccer (grades K - 4), and sports summer camps.

Falmouth Youth Soccer Organization: soccer for students age 8 - 14

Falmouth Youth Tackle Football: Youth JV (3rd/4th) and Youth Varsity (5th/6th) grade teams

Falmouth Youth Basketball: basketball for grades 3 - 8

Falmouth Little League: tee ball, softball, and baseball town teams

Club Sports

Club sports for grades 9 - 12 include crew, sailing, and ultimate frisbee. Registration for these sports are available through:
Crew: Organized through Wayflete school in Portland. Contact the Waynflete athletic department for more information.
Sailing: The high school sailing program is offered through Sail Maine.
Ultimate Frisbee: For FHS Ultimate Frisbee, contact Ted Wissink for more information. For middle school, visit the FMS Ultimate Frisbee website for registration, schedules, and general information.


Some Falmouth High School sports have booster clubs run by community members to support athletes and coaches. Contact the boosters if you'd like to volunteer. Teams without formal booster clubs often have active parent groups that support the teams. Contact team coaches for more information for how to help.
Ice Hockey 